Raising the bar on well-being in law

The All Rise Initiative is a whole-hearted collaboration with a big vision. 

We partner with courageous leaders in law to provide well-being + leadership support pathways that move beyond information to insight, inspired action + integration. We are committed to expanding capacity for collective well-being - where individuals, teams, systems and communities thrive.

Our Program Pillars

The building blocks of our work. How we do what we do. The secret recipe.


    We believe that we are each other’s most valuable resource. When we embrace our interconnection as a community and declare our responsibility for each other, we can move from striving alone to thriving together. In community, we create space for expansive growth.


    We know that human beings are neurologically wired to connect with others. Connection helps to lower anxiety and depression, helps us regulate our emotions, leads to higher self-esteem and empathy, all essential aspects of thriving


    We help cultivate core skills to rebuild capacity for thriving. These practices + pathways support development of our inner strengths and create opportunities for curious inquiry, grounded understanding and inspired action.

About us

Ashleigh and Amy launched the All Rise Initiative as a collaboration between The WiseMind Co. and Urban Wellness to raise the bar on collective well-being in law. Their combined backgrounds in law, leadership and mental health are the perfect recipe for this ambitious initiative, and give them unique insights into the potential for thriving in the legal field.


Our Clients Include: